viernes, 10 de abril de 2015

The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore G. 20/21

The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore

Once upon a time, a man sat on his rocking chair to write a book.
Everything was so calm at the beginning.....
1.      Where was the man when the tornado began?
2.      Did the man get scared?
3.      What did he do while his house was flying?
4.      What letters did he eat?
5.      How many people did he meet at the disaster site?
6.      How long did he walk?
7.      Who did he see flying in the sky?
8.      Could his book fly?
9.      What did he have to do to get to the library?
10.   What did he see in the library?
11.   Who danced with him?
12.   Who played the piano?
13.   Where did he sleep?
14.   Who woke him up?
15.   What did the books have for breakfast?
16.   What did he do to heal the sick book?
17.   How many books did he write?
18.   How many books did he share?
19.   Why did people turn into color when they got the books?
20.   What color was the man’s hat?
21.   Where did he finish writing his book?
22.   Why did he have to use a cane?
23.   How did he become younger again?
24.   How old was he when he left the library?
25.   Who became next inhabitant of the library?

Choose one question . and then  post five affirmative sentences about the video.

Example :
11.   Who danced with him?
The books danced with him.


The man lived with many books until he grew old.
Mr. Lessmore learnt to enjoy life in the library.
His best friend was an animated book.
This animated book helped him to heal the old book.
Mr. Lessmore saved the sick book by reading it.

25 comentarios:

    1. Mr. Lessmore known home books
    2. Books make welcome Mr. Lessmore
    3. Mr. Lessmore care for their chilfren books
    4. saves the life of an old book reading it
    5. Mr. Lessmore is the fairy books.
    Nathaly Osma Sáenz

  2. 1. where was the man when the tornado began?
    sitting in the rocking chair writing a book
    Nathaly Osma Sáenz

  3. 7. Who did he see flying in the sky?
    The fairy of the books.

    1. Mr. Lessmore to see books fly admission to the library.
    2. Mr. Lessmore hear the piano and stopped to dance with books.
    3. Mr. Lessmore tended to book.
    4. Repair man he read the book and save.
    5. Mr. Lessmore finish writing his book.

  5. Where was the man when the tornado began?
    sr Lessmore flew along with the house

    the book play a melody for Mr Lessmore
    Mr Lessmore served breakfast to books
    Mr Lessmore gave life to a book sticking their leaves
    Mr Lessmore wrote his experiences in the library
    books were saddened by the departure of mr Lessmore

  6. What did he do while his house was flying?
    ran down her book while her house was flying

  7. 1.I was sad that book went flying us
    2.liked to read books
    3.gave life to the book reading
    4.wrote his life in the book
    5.a girl came to share with books

  8. 12. who played the piano?
    Reply: The book with face egg play the piano.

  9. 1. lot of books in the library were open and alive
    2. books formed a melody and started dancing and then clapped
    3. the character was sleeping and I woke up a book and then the food and clothed
    4. as the character was reading a book that was dying the book I take life and transported to a vision
    5. the distributed character books in the library and as people read them changed color

  10. How many people did he meet at the disaster site?
    Mr. Lessmore met seven people at the disaster site

  11. 1. An adult woman was sad
    2. Aboy was sat on the floor
    3. Aman was riding a bycicle
    4. Aman was sat on the letter L
    5. A man was standing up near to the letter E

  12. 24. How old was he when he left the library?
    R/ He was old , when left the library.

  13. 1. He danced with the books in the library.
    2. He slept above of a large book.
    3.He shaped the books library with some people.
    4.He aged writing his book in the library.
    5. He could fly at the end film with books.

  14. 7. Who did he see flying in the sky?
    A/: He saw a woman flying in the sky

  15. Sentences

    1. Mr. Lessmore followed the book until the library
    2. The book was playing the piano
    3. Mr. Lessmore read the old book and save
    4. Mr. Lessmore gave books to the inhabitants of the town
    5. A young girl came to the library after Mr Lessmore

  16. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  17. 25. Who became next inhabitant of the library?
    A/: the next inhabitant of the library is a girl

  18. 1.He came to a house that had many books dance while the book played piano make breakfast of books, and also your clothes repairing an old book, fell into a whirlpool of books, writing then stayed until morning.
    5.He grew old in the house , but when he left, the books returned his youth

  19. the book played the piano and danced with Mr. Lessmore books
    the book saddened when Mr. Lessmore goes to fly with books
    Mr. Lessmore dress up the books with linings for go to fly
    the book humpty want to wake Mr. Lessmore is sleeping in a giant book
    Mr. lessmore is old and he went fly out of the library with books

  20. 23 how did he become younger againg?

    Mr againg turned more young that was devoted to bibiotec and made a book in which I finished very grown outb of the library took leave of his books and they surrounded him in a circle and gave many turns and there she turned younger.

  21. 1. MR. Againg under a book fell and hurt
    2. MR, A gaing was younger
    3. The books fired a MR Againg
    4. MR. Againg I dance to the rhythm of de piano
    5. MR Againg was with teh books under the tree

  22. 1. The finished writing the book and becomes again jove
    2. a girl is reaching the last to stay library with books
    3. books used as linings dress their covers
    4. books dance between them as he writes history
    5. people are black and white without books and the only way to resume the color is having a book in her hands

  23. 8. Could his book fly?

    1. With good dedication could make the book fly.
    2. Making an effort we can make up our own imagination fly.
    3. Being part of the book we help you fly.
    4. Having a good knowledge and organization of our ideas we can fly a complete library.
    5. It would be good that everyone would fly out a book like those library books in such high knowledge

  24. 1.the man was on the balcony of the house
    2.The book was playing the piano
    3.A young girl came to the library after Mr Lessmore
    4.the man saw the fairy books
    5.Mr. Lessmore gave books to the inhabitants of the town
