martes, 3 de marzo de 2015

23TGGICN Adjectives- Antonyms

23TGGICN Adjectives- Antonyms 

My house is big but my sister's apartment is small.

My grandpa is tall but my brother-in- law is short.

The subway  is crowded but  the bus  is empty.

Peter is shy but his wife is outgoing.

My neighborhood is noisy but my hometown is quiet.

The elephant is strong but the bull  is weak.

17 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. 1. My bag is heavy but my wallet is light.
    2. My sister is happy but my brother is sad.
    3. My dog is loud but my cat is quiet.
    4. My mother is weak but my father is strong.
    5. My son is tall but my daugther is low.

  3. 1. I has a red car
    2. my brother has a dog
    3. my sister is happy but my brother is sad

  4. 1. My ball is big but the pencil is small
    2. My son is happy but my mother is sad
    3. the spaguetti is hot but ice-cream is cold
    4. the cow is strong but the dog is weak
    5. the pincess is beautiful but the witch is ugly
    6. the rabbit is fast but the turtle is slow
    7. I am tidy but my friends are messy
    8. the concert is exciting but the opera is boring
    9. andrea is proud but lucia is humble
    10. my dog is tame but my cat is wild

  5. 1. The jeans are long but t-shirt is short
    2. The tank is full but the bus is empty
    3. The music is good but the tv is bad
    4. The apple is smooth but the table is rough
    5. The battery my laptop is low but the battery mi tablet is hight

  6. 6. pedro writes with his right hand but Paul writes with his left hand
    7. Oscar's father is strong but the father paul is weak
    8. The ball is wide but the belt is thin
    9. The TV is new but the cell is old
    10. The moon is far but the park is near

  7. sara´s is sad but yenny happy
    santa marta is warm but bogota is cool
    the train is long but car is short
    the apple is hard but ice cream is soft
    tania is quiet but lorena is loud

  8. 1.My grandfather is old but my sister is young
    2. Popeye is strong but oilivia is weak
    3. Margarita is happy in the party but freddy is sad en the home
    4. Andres is quiet but sergio is loud
    5. Sara is small but ana is big

  9. 1 My brother is bad but My sister is good
    2 My mother is low but My brotheris high
    3 Sharon is weak but I´am strong
    4 My dog is bad but My cat is good
    5 Fabian is happy but this sad estefanny

  10. the barranquilla city is warm but bogota city is could
    the bike is flast but transmilenios is slow
    the mause is weak but horse is strong
    i am tall but my mother is short
    the car is heavy but book is light

  11. 1. Santiago is funny but Andres is boring
    2. Giovanny is short but Maribell is big
    3. The sister is happy but my mother is sad
    4. The foodis hot but the juice is cold
    5. My grandpa is sick but my grandma is healthy

  12. 1. the moon is big but the land is small
    2. The Friend is happy but my sister is sad
    3. cali is very cool but bogota is warm
    4. Ana in the work day but at night studying
    5. The church are quiet but the concerts are loud

  13. 1. the turtle is slow but the lion is fast
    2. the PSY singer is fat but the singer Justin Bieber is thin
    3. The New York City is foggy but the Santa Martha city is sunny
    4. the sun is big but the moon is small
    5. The actor Johnny Depp was poor but now he's wealthy

  14. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  15. 1. The gas is bad but the water is good
    2. Maribel is big but the Leidy is smal
    3. The wool is smooth but the wood is rough
    4. Viviana my sister is happy but my sister Leidy this sad
    5. My father is active but my mother is tired

  16. 1. I am tidy but Carolina is messy
    2. My mother is strong but my father is weak
    3. Bogota city is cool but La Vega city is warm
    4 I am tall but my sister is small
    5. The sun is big but the moon is small
