miércoles, 28 de enero de 2015

78TGSOD Adjectives- Antonyms

78TGSOD Adjectives- Antonyms 

My house is big but my sister's apartment is small.

My grandpa is tall but my brother-in- law is short.

The subway  is crowded but  the bus  is empty.

Peter is shy but his wife is outgoing.

My neighborhood is noisy but my hometown is quiet.

The elephant is strong but the bull  is weak.

21 comentarios:

  1. The city is big bat my house is small

  2. The door room open but door bath closed.

    1. Hello Lina

      Remember to include Verb to Be in your sentence.

  3. - My bed is old but my tv is new.
    - the coffee is hot but the water is cold.

    1. Hello Lorena.

      Good job. Just remember Capital letter on the second sentence.

  4. The trasmilenio is fast but the mini-bus is slow.

  5. my sister is tidy but my brother is messy

    1. Hello Daniela

      You usually say that a person is neat more than saying that a person is tidy.

      So, please check out your sentence.

  6. Bogota city is cold but Barranquilla city is hot.
    A car is expensive but a motorcycle is cheap.
    SENA is public but the university Jorge Tadeo Lozano is private.
    My mother is tall but my father is small.
    The blouse is old but the jeans are new.
    integrant of group: Sandra, Angelly, Yulanny; Nataly and Lenis.

    1. Hello Lennis

      Skip the word city in the first sentence.
      Change the word small into short in the fourth sentence. The adjective small is used for places and animals not for people.

  7. my uncle is introvert but my cousin is out-going

  8. 1. My mother works in graphic arts
    2. My sister sleeps on the left of my niece
    3.My brother this day rose sick
    4.Will donate clothes to a poor person

    Group:79 TGSOD

    1. Hello Jennifer

      The aim of this activity was different.

      I'd recommend you to check the vocabulary above and write your sentences again.

  9. 1. fabiola is fat but her sister is thin
    2. the clown is funny but the care is boring
    3. Marc Antony is an ugly singer but Romeo santos is a handsome singer.
    4. the moon is white but the night is black
    5. my cat moon is lazy and my dog is noisy mateo.

  10. The math is difficult but the art is easy
    my gradmother is alive but my grandfather is dead

  11. 1. The class and math is difficult but the arts class is easy.
    2. James Rodrigues is young but Pibe Valderrama is old.
    3. The Salitre magico is private but the Simón bolívar public.
    4. Tunja is little but Medellin is sunny.
    5. The ediffice Colpatria is high but the ediffice Tequendama is easy.

  12. Cartagena is sunny but Bogota is foggy.
    The lion is wild but the parrot is tame.
    The United States is a wealthy country but Somalia is a poor country.
    The vinegar is sour but the Apple is sweet.
    Myboy friend is strong but my brother in law is weak.

  13. 1. My frieds Karen is ugly but i am is Beutiful.
    2. Romeo concert is full but the church is empty.
    3. My mother is dead but i am and myfamily is alive.
    4. My sister is color´s black but my brother´s is white.
    5. The train is long but the trasmilenio is short.
