domingo, 24 de mayo de 2015

Tag questions g.23

23TGGICN: Tag questions 

The house is big, isn't it?                     Yes, it is.

Paul loves to drink milk, doesn't he?                No, he doesn´t.

Sam cooked pasta yesterday, didn't he?            Yes, he did.

Pamela will learn Portuguese next year, won't she?  

 Yes, she will.

Dear learner, 

You'll find further explanation in  this link:

Now I invite you to do the following exercises:

Finally, post five sentences with their tag questions.  Try to create your own ones.

martes, 5 de mayo de 2015

Paperman G. 23


Write one question with its answer about this short animated film.

Follow the examples:
  • Do you think the man will lose his job?                                                                                         I think so.

  • Do you think the woman will get angry at the man?                                                                   I don't think so.
Write five predictions about what will happen after they meet again at the train station.

The man will kiss the girl.